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🔥Facial Botox with INSIDE OUT action - LONGEVION the Rejuvenating Supplement with 60 capsules

🔥Facial Botox with INSIDE OUT action - LONGEVION the Rejuvenating Supplement with 60 capsules

Regular price R$ 394,00
Regular price Sale price R$ 394,00
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LONGEVION is the product that fills wrinkles and sagging skin from the inside out in up to 15 days. The face of 52-year-old Nora Rodrigues from Rio Grande do Sul was shown on TV stations in 7 countries in LATIN AMERICA and throughout the national territory of BRAZIL after using it!

By Paula Menezes, on January 17, 2025 | 11:30 am – 251,328

“We have achieved the impossible” – this is how the representative of the exclusive LongeVion brand began his speech at Face Beauty. Four weeks ago, the brand launched a capsule with a natural peptide that mimics the effect of Botox. And he was right: smoothing 99.7% of wrinkles around the eyes without botulinum toxin injections was something unimaginable until then.

Today, this has become a reality – and the transformation of a 52-year-old Brazilian woman, just 15 days after taking the LongeVion capsule, went viral on TV channels and social media across Europe.

LongeVion – liquid wrinkle reduction for face and neck.

18 months of intense laboratory research. 117 ingredients tested in different compositions and proportions. A team of 9 renowned dermatology and cosmetics experts. And here it is: the only anti-aging serum that is already being acclaimed in the industry as “Botox in Capsules” , capable of filling deep wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin in just 15 days.

Do you feel like your face looks years older than it really is? Don't like the wrinkles and marks that have formed, especially on the delicate skin around the mouth, neck and eyes? Discover the revolutionary wrinkle filler that, from the first week , restores the firmness and smoothness of your skin from 17 to 20 years ago.

Effect on the 5th day after starting to take the revolutionary LongeVion.

Among the first people to test the revolutionary wrinkle-reducing capsule is Brazilian Nora, 52, from Rio Grande do Sul – whose face was shown on television and websites in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Paraguay .

“I looked like an old, wrinkled apple.”

Nora ’s story is heartbreaking. “A year ago, I fell asleep on the beach under the scorching sun. According to dermatologists and beauty experts, the wrinkles caused by this sunburn were irreversible…”

Wrinkles and sun spots had turned me into an aging lady – I hated my reflection in the mirror.

In my 40s, wrinkles began to naturally appear on my face. The area around my eyes and forehead that bothered me the most was my deep, elongated wrinkle that ran from the inner corner of my eye to the middle of my cheek. It was difficult to hide such obvious lines with makeup, but I tried. And although the gradual aging of my skin didn’t bring me joy, at least it gave me time to get used to it. However, an event that happened a year ago completely transformed my face and made me avoid the mirror for months.

During a dream trip to sunny Fernando de Noronha , I ended up falling asleep on the beach around noon. After 1h30 under the scorching sun , I woke up feeling intense pain and a burning sensation on my skin. Since I was wearing a UV shirt, the most affected area was my unprotected face . It was covered in blisters , my skin started to peel and the appearance was scary .

The burn was so severe that I had to spend the next two days in the hospital, with bandages on my face . The specialists were blunt: the scars and wrinkles caused by the burns would stay with me for the rest of my life .

“LongeVion left my skin feeling silky, firm and rejuvenated in just 2 weeks.”

Today, there is no longer a trace of the deep wrinkles and scars on Nora's face – and that's without plastic surgery, laser or Botox injections .

“For the first few months, I was devastated and didn’t want to leave the house. With the support of my husband and daughters, I began researching ways to restore my appearance. I even considered taking out a loan of R$4,000 to R$5,000 for surgery to try to restore my face to how it looked before the burn.

I probably would have gone into debt and undergone this risky surgery if it weren’t for a twist of fate. First, I read on an online website about a new “Botox Capsule .” Then, my daughter found a direct application form on the manufacturer’s website and sent it to me. The promise was to fill in the deepest wrinkles in just 15 days, more effectively than Botox. , seemed to be exactly what I needed.

The next day, I received the response to my request.”

I was invited to test the modern LongeVion !

I was so excited, because I felt deeply that this was my chance to look like my old self again. I imagined my new face, smooth and velvety , without the terrible deep wrinkles and sunburn spots that had disfigured me. I imagined how it would feel to look in the mirror and see a face that actually reflected my age, without looking older. I began to believe that I could still be happy, that this could really happen!

“The wrinkles and lines disappeared after a week – it wasn’t a dream.”

“I know what I’m saying now sounds unbelievable, but it really happened and I felt it firsthand. Literally.”

I tested LongeVion as soon as I received the package. Every day, I had to document the results by taking pictures of my face at 10 am, 3 pm, and 8 pm . At first, I was surprised by the frequency of the pictures, but after the first night, I understood why. I took the capsule one in the morning and one at night as soon as it arrived, as recommended by the manufacturer . After 10 days of taking it, I woke up and could not believe my eyes . The wrinkles were much smaller, there were no more deep wrinkles , even the most intense lines seemed much shallower, and my feet chicken have practically disappeared !

I touched my face with my fingers, examined myself from every angle, and I couldn't believe the effect that was so fast and almost IMMEDIATE ! I cried with happiness, and that was just the beginning.

“Is it me? Last night I had a tangle of crow’s feet around my eyes – THEY’RE GONE!”

From that day on, my face began to change day by day. All of us – including my husband and daughters – were very surprised. Of course, I expected these capsules to help improve the appearance of my wrinkles and the appearance of my face, but the effects were a kind of magic that exceeded my wildest expectations!

Each morning, I stared in disbelief at my increasingly firmer face , with fewer wrinkles, fine lines, and sun spots disappearing. The skin under my eyes felt firmer, denser, smoother, and smoother , as if it had been smoothed with an iron.

“I got rid of the dark circles and bags under my eyes, I no longer have facial wrinkles or crow's feet, and even the burn scars that I thought would be with me forever have been filled in…”

I have no words to describe how happy I am. My transformation even surprised the manufacturers of LongeVion themselves, and my photo appeared on TV channels, news channels and websites all over Europe – it was a shock!

Nora got rid of her deepest and most persistent wrinkles in just 15 days and avoided Botox surgery. And what can the revolutionary LongeVion do for you?

The anti-aging capsule , which helped Nora achieve youthful skin and eliminated wrinkles and sun scars that are difficult to remove, is a cosmetic discovery of this century , which acts simultaneously on four levels :

1 – Reduces 99.7% of wrinkles – You will see the first results in just 15 days.

Wrinkles appear first around the eyes because the skin in this area is only 0.5 mm thick – it is extremely thin and has no sebaceous or sweat glands. Clinical studies have confirmed that the revolutionary LongeVion fills up to 99.7% of facial, solar and gravitational wrinkles precisely in this area, which is the most difficult to smooth. The firming effect , strong and increased elasticity of the skin around the eyes is already visible in 199 out of every 200 people only 15 days after use .

2- Shows an effect that mimics Botox. Eliminate wrinkles without injections or surgery!

LongeVion contains unique peptides that, thanks to a specially reconstituted amino acid sequence, can stimulate every process in the skin – in this case, imitating the 1:1 skin filling with several small doses of Botox . The innovative formula was developed precisely for the special tasks that even surgeons are often unable to perform – because it is almost impossible to insert a needle mechanically into such sensitive areas next to the iris.

3- Inhibits involuntary facial contractions, which cause the formation of wrinkles. KEEP YOUR APPEARANCE YOUNG FOR LONG YEARS.

Every day, you use around 62 facial muscles – to speak, express feelings, laugh, cry, yawn, blink, and more. After years of repeating the same movements, wrinkles become increasingly deeper and more pronounced. The revolutionary capsule blocks involuntary and unconscious neuromuscular microcontractions , balancing skin tension and preventing facial wrinkles from hardening – especially around the eyes.

4- Increases skin density and cohesion by up to 87% after a single application.

The concentrated hyaluronic acid present in a bottle of LongeVion penetrates the intercellular matrix filled with youthful proteins – collagen and elastin fibers – from the first application . In this way, it increases skin tension , elasticity , density and cohesion by up to 87% , fills in deep wrinkles, prevents skin thinning, balances skin tone, improves hydration , smoothes tone and provides incredible shine .

A representative of the renowned cosmetic brand LongeVion , which has already won awards at six cosmetic conferences , comments on the popularity of the revolutionary formula as follows:

“Our goal was not to develop a common anti-wrinkle cream, like those found in many cosmetics stores. This luxurious anti-aging product with rejuvenating peptides is a precious liquid facelift , with the same effect as botulinum toxin fillers , but without the need for surgical interventions, risky procedures and with immediate and long-lasting results – no swelling for weeks, no wounds and no need to repeat injections every six months. Clinical observations and studies carried out on a group of 200 women, aged between 31 and 69 , have proven that deep facial wrinkles , crow’s feet , bags under the eyes and dark circles are reduced in just 15 hours and completely disappear in 10 to 14 days . This is a new era in wrinkle reduction, which turns back the biological and optical age of the skin by up to 20 years .”

Bruno Bittencourt , dermatology specialist at LongeVion

4x firmer facial skin – even over 50 years old NO PAIN, NO BOTOX, NO SIGNS OF AGING

Since LongeVion was released to the general public, the internet has been full of positive reviews and spectacular transformations shared by thousands of women and men online. When will you join them?

A Photoshop and Botox effect in one! In 7 days, and no trace of the crow's feet that persisted. Very Good... Wow!

The bruises and bags under my eyes disappeared in just one night. Amazing.

Maximum skin firmness and instant reduction of wrinkles in the eye area. My beautician couldn't believe what she saw when I arrived for the appointment!

This capsule is magic. I'm 55 and now I look 30 at most - at least that's what my husband says, and I agree with him! ♥

The phenomenal effectiveness of the exclusive LongeVion It has also been confirmed by renowned aesthetic medicine centers outside Brazil – including in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is the most recommended anti-aging treatment in 2025, and beauticians estimate that by the end of this year, one in three people in Brazil will have stopped skin aging with LongeVion, which has the same effect as Botox. You can also recover the youthful appearance of 20 years ago and eliminate wrinkles around the eyes in just 15 days. Get ready for surprising results that will impress you.

Radiant and smooth skin at any age – stop the aging process and “smooth” wrinkles in 15 days. This serum fills in 99.7% of wrinkles and prevents new ones from forming!

Imagine how wonderful it would be to look in the mirror and see young, smooth, silky, firm and soft skin, without wrinkles around your eyes, crow's feet and dark circles under your eyes. You will feel fantastic, without the need for makeup, and when you walk down the street with your daughter, people will think you are sisters. You will feel more beautiful than ever. You know for sure that your skin does not give away your age, but it will be smoother and more radiant, like when you were 25, the wrinkles have simply disappeared - you will be more beautiful, rejuvenated, attractive and confident - that will give you immense pleasure in life, won't it?

So don’t wait any longer – especially for our readers, the LongeVion brand representative has prepared a special promotion.

If you also want to eliminate the deepest and most persistent wrinkles around your eyes quickly and, like Nora – the heroine of this article – regain a flawless face, free of crow’s feet, wrinkles and fine lines, click on the button below. It will direct you to the distributor’s official website, where you can purchase the original LONGEVION anti-aging formula with an exclusive discount. Do it now, before the daily discount limit runs out.

Get the exclusive LongeVion with a special discount and eliminate wrinkles around your eyes in just 15 days♥ >>>

You only have 48 HOURS left to take advantage of this unmissable offer!

Try LongeVion today!

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